Saturday, November 18, 2006

Joel, Stephanie, and Dan cheer on the Buckeyes.

Jesse and Andrea playing with Gary.

Our friend Kate watching the game.

Gary loves Brutus Buckeye!

Gary drinking and pantless: a true young fan!

(Don't worry, it's apple juice in a clean beer bottle!)


Megan said...

WHAT A GREAT GAME!!!!!! I realize how similar to dad I am when I watch football. I was yelling and talking to the TV the whole time!

GO BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Megan said...
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Heidi said...

I am so hoarse from yelling and screaming today. No choir for me. But it was worth it!! :)

Unknown said...

My favorite is the photo of my G-man giving the #1 sign--FREAKIN' CUTE!!!

I can one-up you, Megan--I'm WORSE than Dad when it comes to yelling at the TV; I had a couple F-bombs slip out yesterday, just ask my guests!!! Oh, well, I'm a fan, what can I say.

GO BUCKS!!!!!!

Heidi said...

Ha, Ha, Ha!
I F-bombed, too! I hope G did't catch it!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

All of you eat I will go after your *&^$#(@ father. Tee hee! OH.........IO!

Heidi said...

Ha Ha Ha!

vegahelp said...

Apple juice? Right... ;-)

Heidi said...

Ha Ha Ha!