Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Next Emeril! BAM!!!

Joel walked into G's room and found him "cooking" this past Saturday! Gary gave himself a countertop by propping up the lid to one of his plastic toy bins. Then he added "ingredients" to his "pot." Next, he stirred it with his baseball bat spoon. He even made little sound effects as he shook "spices" from the mini-blind spice rack into the pot! I think the cooking shows I watch during the day are rubbing off on Gary! HA!!


Megan said...

Teehee that is so funny...

Do you watch "Good Eats"? I love it... we call all yummy food "good eats" now :)

Unknown said...

He could probably teach me a thing or two about how to cook!

Heidi said...

Megan- I have seen "Good Eats," but we don't catch it regularly. I like that you call all yummy food good eats though!

Kim- Ha! At least you go poopie in the potty! I suggest a trade off ... he teaches you some of his culinary skills, and you teach him how to take a sh**! And know that I'm just kidding! You're doing very well learning how to cook. :)

Anonymous said...

I need a picture of him in his Elmo shirt that we sent to him....PPPUUULLLEEEEESSSEEEEEE!

Heidi said...

Granny Poopoo-
Request noted! :)